Ms Joanne Lobb
Joanne has over 27 years versatile experience in value creation, financial services, strategic leadership and business development across the Pacific, the United Kingdom and now in the Middle East. Joanne moved to Dubai in 2015 where she continues to provide financial advice to her clients based across the Middle East Region.
Joanne joined the Local Advisory Board (LAB) at Jumeirah College when it was first introduced in 2016 and currently holds the position of Chairperson. In addition to this role, Joanne is the LAB representative for Staffing and Wellbeing and is keen to continue to see the tremendous progress that the School is making in this area.
Joanne has a nephew currently in Year 11 and another nephew who graduated from Jumeirah College in June 2018. Joanne enjoys being part of the JC Community and giving her time and expertise to helping JC continue to be an outstanding School.